Chaim Clorfene

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The War between Galut and Geulah (Exile and Redemption)


Every defender of the faith is presumed to be a liar.” – Irving J. Rabinowitz, Jewish philosopher (no concept too big, no concept to small.)

Rabbi Z attacked me online for calling him a demon. In the Talmud (Pesachim 112a), we learn that it is the nature of a demon to damage. Rabbinic demons tried to assassinate the Ramchal. He had to shave his beard and flee to Holland where he hid out as a diamond cutter. Rabbi Z is a rabbinic demon. There are others. There is a cabal of rabbinic demons who are working together to destroy Ger. And they are trying to destroy Ger for the same reason that the earlier ones were trying to destroy the Ramchal: because the Ramchal was in Geulah and the demons were in Galut. Just like Rabbi Z and his fellow demons are in Galut and want to destroy Ger because it is in Geulah. To further this end, they have created a new religion, called Noahism. Its purpose is to block the righteous Gentile’s way to Geulah.  

This is the general rule: Galut attacks Geulah because Geulah’s success spells the end of Galut. Therefore, to survive, Galut must try to destroy Geulah. The reason for all of this is taught in Shaarei Orah, chap. 10, “When Olam HaRachamim (the World of Mercy) and Olam HaDin (the world of Strict Justice) look at each other face to face, everything becomes Rachamim and Shlaimut (mercy and complete).”

Galut, i.e., spiritual exile, is Olam Ha-Din, the world of Judgment without Mercy. Geulah is Olam Ha-Rachamim, the world of Mercy without Judgment.

The world that limits B’nai Noah to the Seven Laws is Olam Ha-Din. The world that offers B’nai Noah faith in the G-d of Abraham and access to the entire Torah is Olam Ha-Rachamim.

What is the power that drives them? Olam Ha-Din is driven by hester panim, the concealment of G-d, for it is in Galut. Olam Ha-Rachamim is driven by gilui Shechina, the revelation of G-d, for it is in Geulah.

What is the difference between hester panim and gilui Shechina? Where G-d is concealed, the powers of darkness are in ascendancy. When the Temple was destroyed, the powers of darkness gained ascendancy over the Jewish people. That was 2500 years ago. But now, and for the last 50 or so years, the hester panim has begun to be rolled away. So the attacks from Galut are coming. The best way to combat this is to quietly build infrastructure. The best way for Ger to survive the onslaught of the demons who want to destroy it is to become invisible. Ger should become an underground movement. This, for two reasons:

1. Underground movements are cool.

2. Ger needs leaders, and the leaders will find Ger because they will search for the truth. As it says, “Darshuni v’chai – Seek Me and live (Amos 5:4).”

What is needed is Ger leadership training programs. We can communicate through pigeons. It worked for the Rothschilds, maybe it will work for Ger. Happy Sukkot.

Sukkot Sweet and Sour Cabbage Borscht.

We made a fleishig sweet and sour cabbage borscht with a huge clod of beef. It was beyond belief for eating in the sukkah. My wife accidentally dropped a bit of it on the ground in the sukkah and a flower popped up right where it fell. This cabbage borscht is especially good for Simchat Torah for mystical reasons.

Recipe: Take a clod of beef, shoulder or brisket or even shin meat. It should have some fat on it. The clod should be at least five pounds (2.5 kilos), and sear it all around in a lot of olive oil. Cut up a medium size head of cabbage moderately fine. Cover the meat and cabbage in a seven or eight liter pot with water and two cups of sweet red wine, a can of tomato paste and three or four halved jalapeno peppers and boil for 2½ hours. In the meantime, slice two big Texas onions and three carrots and the minced cloves of a head of garlic and sauté them together until the onions are translucent and turning brown, then add the sautéed mixture to the boiling meat and beef stock. Throw in some coarse black pepper, brown sugar or sucralose and lemon juice or vinegar or sour salt (citric acid). I will leave it to your discretion as to how much sweet and how much sour. Look online. Simmer the borscht on a low fire until the meat is truly fork tender, at least another hour and a half. Then add another cup of red wine and cook it uncovered for another half hour. Shred the meat into respectable sized mini-clods and serve the meat in the cabbage borscht. Lubavitchers cannot eat this soup until Simchat Torah because they do not eat sour, even if it is also sweet, from Rosh Hashanah through Shemini Atzeret chutz la-aretz. They do not know what they are missing, besides the fact that they are ascribing a causal relationship between eating sour food and having a bad year. I hate to tell you what this is, but it’s not Jewish. Jacob doesn’t do it. But zol gezundt zein un shtark. Bless their hearts.